The Importance of Physical, Mental & Spiritual Health

Recently I was asked the question on my podcast, Coaching In Session, what is health to me? I am good on my feet, so I gave a solid answer, but It led me to think deeper about what the totality of health was to me after the recording. I find it continually interesting how people act and operate, including myself, knowing they are the person who will make the best moves in their life, health being one of them. Though people understand their body, mind, and soul, it doesn’t mean they have a grasp of them or fully comprehend the importance of their physical, mental, and spiritual health.


I have written similar blogs on this topic, but I want to bring this more into the realm of consciousness than action today. I can tell you to take action all day, and very little of you will. You might put it on your to-do list or start and stop, but what I want to instill within you today is the understanding that you have one life, which will benefit you to pay attention to.


As I just said, we have one life and one body. Though we have the great gift of life, many people will squander it with copious amounts of food and drink and the notion that since we worked so hard, we should just laze around the house all day. Though this might sound like the dream life to many, it is far from it. The reason is that if you have to sacrifice your health, the cost is too great, and you should begin to look at your health in a new light.


Many people will only take control of their physical health once they get bad news from a doctor or have their body fail them. People will also get into a habit of limiting beliefs with age regarding fitness. This happens because when we are young, we can be in the best shape of our life. As we grow, our body changes and physical health becomes more of a burden than when we were young. Naturally, you will see this and choose to play the victim or turn a blind eye.


I am guilty of turning a blind eye to my health in the past, especially when I am busy with work and family. Though there is no excuse for me not to show up, I find it interesting that the mind does this naturally, even with my discipline and mindset. Sometimes it feels like an uphill battle, but I have found the easy solution for everyone to get out of this rut. I have found that things become easier when someone in your life holds you accountable. Yes, you can have your friend or spouse help you, but the most influential person will be a coach, trainer, or mentor.


When you can find someone in your life who will help push you to make better choices, you will notice that you will reach a better physical state in time. It can take time to rewind all the damage you have done to your body, but you can become strong again. That life that you thought was over after high school can be reclaimed. The only thing you have to do is apply some consciousness to the physical.


The same thing is true when it comes to your mental awareness. You may need more time to do what you want. The other folks will think they need to gain the knowledge or resources. Whatever limits you have right now, understand that they are an option. That option means you can live with them or choose to get rid of them. The reason is that most limits that we instill into our minds are the false notion of our weaker selves.


I want you to imagine yourself as a child again. What would you do differently? Your initial thinking would be how to make more money or manage your money better. The second will be about regrets (family, love, etc.). Lastly, you will think about these three physical, mental, and spiritual health aspects. I understand that the order may be different for you due to some life circumstances, but most people will fall under this umbrella of hierarchy. Though many people will live sacrificing their body, mind, and soul for happiness, they are living life backward.


This notion of mental awareness and happiness are wrapped nicely in a dream we are told, and if we work hard, we might get a semblance of peace. The first myth to debunk is that if you sacrifice your physical, mental, or spiritual health, you are already on the wrong path. I know those words are bold, but we must be more conscious of the things that matter than what we focus on.


Today, our mind has never been more bogged down than before due to the immense amount of information and data we receive daily. This stress has caused a mental overload our body is not used to. What happens as a cause is that we begin to make poorer choices until we have a trauma to make us conscious again. Most people are just zombies walking on the planet with no bigger picture of life. That picture we all can create will be the thing that changes our life.


As a mindset coach, mental is one of the most significant areas of focus when working with clients. If I can get my mind right, I can be everything else right. Some people like to ensure their physical is suitable, so their minds can be correct, and I find this also to be true. However, if you have someone who is obese and is telling themselves a lie, you will not be able to get them to focus on their physical without negativity; that is why I focus on mindset first and everything else after.


Then we get into the realm of spirituality. Spirituality has taken on many stigmas as the word was redefined. Spiritually initially tied to religion, it focused on a higher power of life, and then it focused on a sense of purpose and belonging. Though the word is more confusing than the first grader in a calculus class, we must understand that spirituality is a term that simply states a “higher sense of feeling/mental.”


Without me going too deep into religion, do you ever wonder why they took out religion from schools? I am not an advocate for teaching children how to pray or be religious, but with the removal of God in the school and the country, things started to fall apart, and people started to think differently. Technology made the transition more rapid, and the cause is a world of people without an understanding of human life. This is why people hurt each other and themselves on the body, mind, and soul levels.


When we begin to create some consciousness in spirituality, we might find you learn more about ourselves. The concept of a higher power once deeply wounded us, but today, we are worried about reaching the highest power. That power is the concepts of materialism, dictatorship, and omnipotence at the sacrifice of people, including ourselves. The result will be a society that is dead inside and has little to no action toward its full potential and a better life.


In closing, when we look at our physical, mental, and spiritual health, we might be surprised that we are lacking in most of these areas. Though life’s journey should be long, we should not put off the things that may be the factor for a more significant way of living. That means we have to understand that we only have one life to live, so we have to make it our best. If you are struggling with your physical, mental, or spiritual well-being, reach out to me today, so we can start working together on attaining the mindset needed to reach the places you wish to in this lifetime.


Until then,

Michael Rearden

Founder of Reven Concepts

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